FunWhan by SweetTo0thClub

Chitayaporn Pluemarom

FunWhan is a design collection by the brand SweetToothClub, inspired by the symbols and motifs of 9 Auspicious Thai desserts. Aim to connect with female Bangkok-based Gen Z individuals, bridging the generation gap, while also educating international tourists unfamiliar with Thai dessert culture.

This project began after a conversation I had with my grandmother last year. My grandmother ran a Thai dessert shop in the 70s-80s, inspiring me to explore and wanted to promote these sweets to younger generations. Therefore, my love for Thai desserts along with my family's history in the dessert business motivate me to elevate the perception and value of these traditional treats.

The project title, “Fun-Whan” (ฝันหวาน) comes from the combination of two words, "Fun" and "Whan," which together mean "sweet dreams" in Thai. The word "Fun" holds significance in both English and Thai languages. In English, "fun" means playful. On the other hand, in Thai, the meaning of the word varies depending on its pronunciation. Pronounced with a high tone, it becomes "Fún" (ฝัน), meaning dreams, while with a normal tone, it transforms into "Fūn" (ฟัน), meaning tooth. This linguistic duality allows for a clever wordplay with the brand name "Sweet Tooth" as well. Hence, these various interpretations hold connections with the brand and the underlying theme of the project

FunWhan By SweetTo0thClub

FunWhan is a design collection of my personal brand, SweetToothClub, drawing inspiration from the symbols and motifs of 9 Auspicious Thai desserts, aiming to bridge the generation gap between Thai desserts and female Bangkok- based Gen Z individuals, and educating international tourists who seek for Thai dessert context background using interactive packaging and visual identity design, including logo design,character design, and graphic elements.

To gain deeper insight into the background context of Thai desserts, I conducted primary research by visiting Kanom Thai KaiWhan, an integrated learning center for Thai desserts located in Amphoe Pukhai, Ayutthaya, for observation and interviews. My objective was to interview the owner, Aj. Puek, explore his mini museum, and deepen my understanding of Thai desserts. During the trip, I sampled various Thai desserts rarely found in the market and engaged in discussions on topics such as their history, cultural influences, shared heritage, and modifications. The trip was highly successful, yielding valuable insights that enriched my perspective and provided inspiration for the educational content for my publications.


Chitayaporn Pluemarom


Chitayaporn Pluemarom, also known as Beam, is a Bangkok-based designer, illustrator and the creator of the brand "SweetTo0thClub," specialising in graphic design, illustrations, branding design and interactive design. Chitayaporn has a passion for exploring various creative concepts, delving into themes touching upon human experience, education and sustainability. She utilises vibrant colours, geometric shapes and amiable character designs as tools in her artistic expression.Throughout her design journey, Chitayaporn aspired to be a driven and passionate designer/artist who creates design projects to inspire people and uplift the society.