No More

Nacha Poolsombat

No more, is a project started from questions of divorce in this generation that more normal life effect and modify without bad mental health. This project have 2 sub-project. There are YouTube Channel, interview life problems, and Artwork, developed from people who are interviewees.

This project starts from questions, Why does divorce is normal for people in this generation and how them modify it without bad mental health.

This project have 2 sub-project. There are short video in YouTube Channel, interview life problems, and Artwork, developed from people who are interviewees.

No one notice

Based on a true story from interviewee to be an inspiration for making this artwork. By this story about celebrity’s child who doesn’t get any privacy

Coming Soon


Nacha Poolsombat


Nacha Poolsombat, known as Bam, is a Photographer, filmmaker, and Artist in Bangkok, Thailand. Especially she develops her work from photographs and film into artwork’s concept. She is planning to show her work soon, with her team partnership.