Nya Story

Tham Senapitak

The story of my animation revolves around Nya, a protagonist on an investigative quest. Her journey leads her to a surprising discovery – a dragon within the cathedral walls! The animation depicts the ensuing battle between Nya and the dragon

Character Design

Character, I got the inspiration from a demon and angel The armor got inspiration from France's middle age. in the 17 centuries nearly the European War of Religion the Sword has a base on Zwei hander for France was use in war of religion.

Nya's design carries a message about those who defy fate. Though Nya lost a wing, thus her freedom, she never relinquished her dream.

Weapon design

Her weapon, a colossal blade reminiscent of the French Zweihander, bore the scars of past wars but was adorned with intricate, otherworldly metalwork that hinted at a forgotten magic.

Creature Design

Picture a giant monster. Its black, shiny shell gleams like armor. Eight strong, many-jointed legs carry it across the ground incredibly fast. Six eyes, three on each side of its head, shine with an intelligence that's both strange and dangerous. A thick tail with a sharp, barbed stinger sticks out from its back, a deadly weapon for both attack and defense. Leathery wings, smaller and less strong than a dragon's, unfold from its back. These wings don't let it fly, but they do allow it to jump from high places and glide through the air. It's a silent hunter, stalking its prey across huge distances.

Background story

Nya's life began on the island of Soprot, a place floating in the sky, where she lived with her family. But her life took a tragic turn when the other islanders noticed that she had a horn and a tail, in addition to her wings. They saw her as an abomination and expelled her from the island, punishing her for something that was not her fault. Her father tried to protect her, but his efforts were in vain. She was arrested, but her father helped her escape from prison. Unfortunately, her father died before her eyes, leaving her alone and vulnerable.

Nya's wings were damaged during her escape, and she lost one of them, making it impossible for her to fly. She fell into the forest below, and for two years, she had to survive in a harsh and unfamiliar environment, battling hunger, thirst, and wild beasts. The shock of her fall and the loss of her memories made it even more challenging. Eventually, a kind stranger found Nya in the forest and took her in, providing her with food, shelter, and a new home. However, the mystery of her past still haunted her, and she couldn't remember who she was or where she came from.

As time passed, Nya learned to adapt to her new life, but her desire to know her true identity never faded. She longed to uncover the secrets of her past, to find out who she was and why she was banished from her home. And so, with a newfound determination, Nya set out on a journey to discover her true self and find her place in the world.


Tham Senapitak


One who interested in 3D,This project began with my fascination with 3D art. To further explore this interest, I studied 3D workflows and embarked on this experimental 3D animation. Through this project, I aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the various 3D programs available