O2 Odal

Sasipim Hemsathapat & Chalisa Wongthanasopon

‘O2 Odal’ is a mixed media animation with stop motion and 2D animation with a digital background.


This is a story set in space about 2 characters who are trying to find a new home, one of them is too focused on finding a habitable home while the other is trying to enjoy their time with the other. However, by the end of the story, the focused one realises how much his companion means to him and that home is anywhere if they have each other.

This is a sci fi fantasy about found family and forging bonds

Instead of sacrificing health to make a 5-6 minutes stop motion short film with a 1 month and a half production time, we decided to make it a one minute trailer instead, a bit like a trailer for a fake pilot. We decide to choose quality over quantity instead. This was a very hard decision for me - Sasipim Hemsathapat, the director and animator I thought I could do it, but it’s not possible. I watched tons of videos and searched for lots of references. The expectation and reality that we need to face weren’t matched. I needed to cut off so many scenes that I liked, and the scenes that my partner worked hard on. It’s very painful but we need to. - Chalisa Wongthanasopon, the editor and BG artist


Sasipim Hemsathapat


I am a mixed media artist in Bangkok who loves stop motion, anime and western cartoons

Chalisa Wongthanasopon


I am Thai artist who interest in editing and visual effect