Sea in the Box

Thanin Sumethasorn

Sea in the Box‭ ‬is the‭ ‬project that displayed my‭ ‬ personal aquarium viewpoint‭, ‬which helps me comprehend life purpose and maturation in terms of metaphors to human social systems‭.‬

Sea in the Box‭ ‬is the‭ ‬project that displayed my‭ ‬personal aquarium viewpoint‭, ‬which helps me comprehend life purpose and maturation in terms of metaphors to human social systems‭.‬

This project also aims to explore changes in modern human life, such as digital consumerism, data tracking, and the consumption of easily accessible content, which can lead to states of depression.

These aspects are metaphorically represented by the artificial light used in aquariums instead of natural light. And lastly, I want to explore the complexities of human society, including the diversity of fish species and the varying tank conditions that can symbolize societal inequality, serving as a powerful story about society, illustrating how a small world like an aquarium can reflect the larger world.

We seemed to view the world in such an innocent and pure way when I go back to my childhood‭.‬
We resemble white fabric that hasn't‬ been stained or tainted by the real‭ ‬reality of our civilization‭.‬

Nevertheless‭, ‬we had no idea that the reality we had to address later on would be unpleasant and unavoidable‭.‬

Artificial light serves as an powerful metaphor for the shaping influence of social structures and regulations‭.‬‭ ‬

Just like the controlled lighting in an aquarium dictates a fish's visual world‭, ‬societal norms and institutions deeply impact an individual belief system and behavior‭.‬

This influence‭, ‬however‭, ‬is a‭ ‬double-edged sword‭: ‬While it fosters order and‭ ‬cooperation‭, ‬it also carries the potential to create inequality‭, ‬suppress dissent‭, ‬and distort the perception of truth‭.‬

We are‭, ‬in essence‭, ‬permanently tethered to these systems‭.‬

The ordinary fish tank becomes more than just a pretty decoration‭. ‬It transforms into‭ ‬a powerful story about society‭, ‬a small world that reflects the big one‭. ‬

By watching the different fish and how they‭ ‬interact‭, ‬we begin to understand the important forces that shape our world‭. ‬The limitations‭ ‬they face‭, ‬the competition they experience‭, ‬and the cooperation they show all happening inside the tank‭ ‬it‭ ‬offers a glimpse into‭ ‬the complex ways humans live together‭.‬


Thanin Sumethasorn


Thanin Sumethasorn is an artist who specializes in Sound Design (Foley), creating soundtracks and musical instruments for short films as well as being a production designer, Director of Photography (DOP), and Colorist.

In addition, he produces his music under the name "tensumeth." and serves as the Head CEO of an independent record company & creative agency that features bands from the new generation that are still college students. The label will assist in producing music, video production, and art direction.