The Hidden Sins

Apichaya Tengkaoprasert

The Hidden Sins is a campaign design using visual storytelling, irony, and semiotics to expose deceptive greenwashing practices and raise consumer awareness about misleading environmental claims.

A frame-by-frame animation about greenwashing reveals the truth about eco-friendly paper cups.

The story exposes the deception of greenwashing, revealing how seemingly eco-friendly products can hide harmful truths. It highlights the manipulation behind marketing tactics and encourages viewers to question environmental claims.

Design Process

As an illustrator, I focused on detailed background design to enhance the narrative. I used compelling visuals and experimented with color schemes to develop a unique aesthetic for the animation.

Seven Sins of Greenwashing Illustration Series exposes the deceptive practices of greenwashing through humor and irony. Each illustration highlights a specific "sin" of greenwashing, making complex issues easily understandable.


Apichaya Tengkaoprasert


Apichaya Tengkaoprasert, also known as Aommy, is a Bangkok-based graphic designer and illustrator specializing in vibrant, flat illustrations. Her bold colors and simplified shapes often draw inspiration from landscapes and food.