The Romance of a Rose Arcana

Pitchayapimol Jaroenpattanamongkol

The Romance of a Rose Arcana is a tarot deck with the theme of The Romance of a Rose(Madanabadha). Targeting high school and college students based in Thailand who are interested in Thai literature and fortune-telling, aiming to make The Romance of a Rose renowned.

The Romance of a Rose is a dialogue play by His Majesty King Rama VI of Thailand. It is a tale about the legend of the rose with the theme of love's tragedy. The story is about an angel named Madana, who is an honest and faithful person. She has been cursed to turn into a rose because of love, yet she still believes in true love. In Thailand, Tarot reading has become exceedingly popular recently and love life is one of the most common topics to ask a fortune teller about. I decided to combine The Romance of a Rose with Tarot since the concept of the story is about romance.

Tarot + The Romance of a Rose

The truthfulness of the main character, the depiction of different forms of love, and the delivery of patriarchal concepts make The Romance of a Rose one of my favourite stories. I wish to promote this story and make it more than a prosody lesson in the Thai language learning curriculum.

Setting and Character Designs

The original setting of The Romance of a Rose takes place in ancient India; however, the word "ancient" is not specific enough to have solid and consistent character designs.

I decided to shift the setting to Thailand in the 1920s since the story is originally from a Thai author, and 1923 is the year that The Romance of a Rose was first published.

The deliverables of this project are 22 polished printed tarot cards with a package box. I have also added the synopsis onto the back side of the box for more context of the story, The Romance of a Rose.


Pitchayapimol Jaroenpattanamongkol


Pitchayapimol Jaroenpattanamongkol, also known as Waffle or Wawa, is a digital illustrator based in Bangkok, Thailand. She is capable of various art styles but is most competent with concept art and visual narrative.