The Star

Isareeyaporn Wiranyaphaet

"The Star" - a frame-by-frame short horror film animation with an art toy collection, about a story of a girl who's taking things for granted, intended to target the audience of child to young adults from both Western & Eastern, who's interested in the topic of Childhood memories, Horror, and Fanfare.

The Star

"The Star" - a frame-by-frame short horror film animation with an art toy collection, about a story of a girl who's taking things for granted, intended to target the audience of child to young adults from both Western & Eastern, who's interested in the topic of Childhood memories, Horror, and Fanfare.

Art Toy Collection : The Star

A collection of collectable hand made Art Toy from a Thesis Animation named “The Star”. The collection includes a character of The Lion, The Jester, The Star, The Acrobat, and The Big Top.


Isareeyaporn Wiranyaphaet


Isareeyaporn Wiranyaphaet, known as Mynt is a digital artist, modeler, and an animator based in Thailand. She has interest and experiences in creating art in various mediums especially in digital illustration, 2d animation,and 3d modeling. She is currently focusing on improving her 3d modeling skills to be able to create her own merchandise.