
Nuchteera Siwadune

This project incorporates elements of Khon's beliefs containing supernatural elements and uses comic and concept art as mediums of the story. However, this is the only prologue of the story.

The story is about an old noble's house rumored to be haunted by the owner's spirit, who remains in the house to protect his belongings. However, when a group of teenagers decides to prove whether the rumors are true, they end up triggering the spirits in the house by disrespecting the place and disregarding Khon's beliefs, leading them to face punishment.

This book contains black and white manga art style and concepts of character design, though not all of the design process is included. The book involves some Khon beliefs, intended both to entertain and to provide knowledge about these beliefs. It is primarily in Thai, but there is also an English-translated version.

Examples of content pages inside of the book, the Idea of the Concept part, and the comic as manga style. This book has an overall 40 pages of content.


Nuchteera Siwadune


I am a Concept Artist who enjoys character design and illustration; however, I still have a passion for developing further in other routes of art, such as animation and 3D modeling.